Health Care Cards: Understanding what’s available

Life can be busy and complex for the ‘sandwich generation’ who find themselves stuck between caring for grandchildren and ageing parents. Most people are unprepared for aged care. Let’s face it, no-one wants to get old – but if we are lucky, we will. It’s normal to feel worried about your ageing parents.

Centrelink Work Bonus – to work or not to work.

That is indeed the question! It is not uncommon for retirees who receive the Centrelink Age Pension to take on a little extra work. The most common question that comes up in this situation is “will this impact how much I receive from Centrelink”? You want to supplement your income, but you’re worried about it … Read more

What assets are exempt from pension calculations?

To be ‘exempt’ or NOT to be ‘exempt’. That is the million-dollar question when it comes to Centrelink and the treatment of assets. Given that the Age Pension is due for its September indexation increase, let’s refresh on assets. So…what assets DON’T Centrelink treat as assessable in the calculation of your Age Pension? Great question, … Read more